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fit 1 (fĭt) v. fit·ted or fit, fit·ted, fit·ting, fits 1. a. To be the proper size and shape for: These shoes fit me. b. To cause to be the proper size and shape: The tailor fitted the trousers by shortening them. c. To measure for proper size: She fitted me for a new jacket. 2. To be appropriate to; suit: music that fits your mood. 3. To be Ten years ago I used to be very fit (健康的). I rode a bike to work and I got a lot of exercise at weekends. I used to play tennis a lot and go for long walks. In those days I didn’t earn very much. I had a job in an office. It wasn’t a very good job but I had a lot of time to do the things I enjoyed doing. fit definition: 1. to be the right size or shape for someone or something: 2. to be suitable for something: 3. to…. Learn more. Avoiding stroke even if you have hypertension. High blood pressure causes a great force exerted by the heart to push the blood hard against arteries, causing gradual damage to these vessels, including the ones that supply nutrients and oxygen to the brain. • Sandy's very fit - he runs almost 30 miles a week. • Sandy's very fit - he runs five miles every day. • In May, Harvey wrote to say that he and his wife were now fit to return to duty. fighting fit • Masie had responded brilliantly to treatment and seemed fighting fit. Very Fit Trescore, Trescore Balneario. 1,925 likes · 980 were here. Palestra offre ampia scelta di macchine cardio-isotoniche-pesi liberi e un ricco planning corsi Group Fitness: Tonificazione We're watching The Map of Tiny Perfect Things this week! Which is what we like to think this podcast is Right? Anyway, it's a time loop movie! so very fit
Ten years ago I used to be very fit (健康的). I rode a bike to work and I got a lot of exercise at weekends. I used to play tennis a lot and go for long walks. In those days I didn’t earn very much. I had a job in an office. It wasn’t a very good job but I had a lot of time to do the things I enjoyed doing. fit definition: 1. to be the right size or shape for someone or something: 2. to be suitable for something: 3. to…. Learn more. Avoiding stroke even if you have hypertension. High blood pressure causes a great force exerted by the heart to push the blood hard against arteries, causing gradual damage to these vessels, including the ones that supply nutrients and oxygen to the brain. • Sandy's very fit - he runs almost 30 miles a week. • Sandy's very fit - he runs five miles every day. • In May, Harvey wrote to say that he and his wife were now fit to return to duty. fighting fit • Masie had responded brilliantly to treatment and seemed fighting fit.
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2 days ago — 搜索. VeryFit图标. VeryFit. 应用 健康与健身. 开发者: Smart Wearable Devices. 安卓下载 应用健康与健身. 最新版本: 1.0.15. 发布日期: 2021年04 Sep 12, 2018 — 或按照以下指南在PC上使用 如果你想安装和使用VeryFit 2.0 应用程序在您的PC或Mac上,您需要为您的计算机下载并安装桌面应用程序模拟器。
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Download free and best Health & Fitness App for Android phone and tablet with online apk downloader on, including (tool apps, shopping apps, communication apps) and more. fit 1 (fĭt) v. fit·ted or fit, fit·ted, fit·ting, fits 1. a. To be the proper size and shape for: These shoes fit me. b. To cause to be the proper size and shape: The tailor fitted the trousers by shortening them. c. To measure for proper size: She fitted me for a new jacket. 2. To be appropriate to; suit: music that fits your mood. 3. To be
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Mar 16, 2021 — ----The main function of VeryFit - Smart Band---- 1. Includes checking exercise, sleep quality, the state of the heart rate monitor, a smart alarm Mar 26, 2021 — VeryFit应用介绍VeryFit是一款专业的运动健身应用,专门给爱好运动的网友们提供服务一系列专属服务。通过VeryFit专业的训练师将会为广大运动 Mar 28, 2021 — 咕咕猪提供VeryFitAPP下载,VeryFit是一款帮助用户对健康运动等进行合理规划和整理的app,这款应用内将对通过专业的计算方式,对用户的 Mar 16, 2021 — VeryFit是爱都科技出品的一款和智能手环手表像连接使用的手机app, 包括检查运动、睡眠质量的状态心率监测器,智能闹钟醒来,提醒智能应用. 本政策阐述了VeryFit如何处理您的个人和隐私数据,并申明了VeryFit对保护隐私的承诺。 提供网络相关服务: 我们会运用网络类型、网络讯号等提示用户在不同网络环境中下载更新版本。 (b) 向您发送操作系统或应用程序更新和安装的通知。 Veryfit最新版vV1.0.44更新说明(2021-03-06). This app version add new page for 107HR bind device confirm. 如发现版本老旧,欢迎邮件 点击下载. 介绍:: Veryfit 2.0,为你记录检测每天运动、睡眠质量、卡路里消耗、体重信息。 1.可查看手环.为你记录检测每天运动、睡眠质量、卡路里消耗、体重
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